Veggie Tales: Starting My Veggie Garden

It has been like, a million years since I last wrote a blog, and I am so happy to be back! Recently, I have started a veggie garden. (Hence, the name Veggie Tales) I am just here to tell you everything that has happened so far. Firstly, it’s a raised bed garden, so it looks all neat and tidy. We built it last Friday, and just today filled it with plants, soil, etc. In the garden, I have a ghost pepper, a jalapeno, fennel, two basil plants, garden beans, lettuce, cucumbers, some sort of squash (Idk what kind it is), a patio tomato plant, okra, and spearmint. I’m pretty sure that’s all. We transplanted most of them, but some of them are started with seeds. Some of these plants aren’t even in season, so I’m crossing my fingers gets something grows. I’m new to this whole gardening thing, so if you have any tips, please let me know down below:) I while include a picture of it farther down as well.

Buying Everything

So, at first we went to the local nursery. Of course, the first place I went was to the seeds, only to be told the plants I was considering growing were out of season. The lady directed us to the back where there were plants, we only bought two basil plants, and a fennel plant. We also ended up buying some cow manure (💩) and some cheap organic soil. We needed about 8 bags of soil to fill up the 4 foot x 4 foot bed. We got home and filled it up, then planted the fennel and basil. Next, we got back out to go to Lowe’s. We ended up with a monster pack of seeds (which included garden beans, cucumbers, some sort of squash, and lettuce). We ended up getting a ghost pepper plant, jalapeno plant, tomato and spearmint plant. Finally, we headed back home and planted them and watered them.

The Garden:


Goals for the New Year

I’m am not a huge sucker for new years resolutions, but there are things I want to change. A lot has happened since January 1st, 2018, so I am aiming to make this the best year yet!



  • Read More
  • Live Healthier
  • Develop New Hobbies
  • Write Blogs More Frequently
  • Be Confident
  • Make Even More Friends

Whatever your goals are for this year, I hope you can accomplish them. With 2018 finished, I look back on the year, and think about how lucky I am to have people in my life who motivate me, and love me for who I am, and in 2019, I hope I’ll meet many others who I can motivate as well. Happy New Year!

XOXO, Tropicalchick

My Fitness Journey: Starting Off

We all know that it’s hard to get in shape. At least for me. I’ve never thought I was fat, just a little on the heavier side. So, in today’s blog, I will be showing you how I started off my journey!


Down below is the workout that I will be using. I have not started this yet, but will soon. I combined excersises from different workouts to get a little bit of each. I included legs, flat belly, and abs. If there are any other workouts that you think would be beneficial, please email me using the “contact” tab. I’d love to hear what you have! (These are some of the easier excersises.)

Healthy Foods

I have some of my favorite foods in each categories, and ones that I know will be available to me. I think that I’ll be enjoying the fruits more than anything else! Now, unfortunately I couldn’t get a picture for this one. But, down below I have typed each group of food. 🙂

Fruits – strawberries, blueberries, bananas, pineapple, and apples

Veggies – lettuce, tomatoes, bell peppers, mushrooms, carrots, potatoes, broccoli, and cauliflower

Protein – chicken, sausage, beans/lentils

Baking Needs – whole wheat flour, dark chocolate chips, honey, maple syrup, olive oil, vanilla extract

Snacks & Grains – hummus, tortilla chips, salsa, trail mix, peanut butter, things with whole wheat, pita bread, brown rice, rolled oats

Feeling Full Faster

These foods give you the freedom to eat delicious foods, but they make you full faster. This way your still enjoying the foods you love, but not eating as much. I have put stars next to the foods that are available to me, and that I enjoy.

I hope that you enjoyed this blog post! I will be posting monthly updates, and hopefully seeing an improvement.

XOXO, Tropicalchick

Hand lettering 101: Practicing

Hi everyone! I’m so excited to introduce my new blogging series where I talk to you about Hand Lettering. I am by no means an expert but, wanted to share my knowledge with you! This series will be broken up into parts. Today, I’m writing about hand lettering supplies. The other parts are: Techniques, Tutorials, and Practicing. Unfortunately, this is the last post about Hand Lettering (for this year).

Today, we are talking about practice. Now I’ve heard so many people talk about how practice is the key to everything.

Practice No.1

This is just by practicing your strokes. on every up stroke, you should make thin lines, and on every down stroke, you should make them thick. This is the basis of Hand Lettering. I’ve heard many people also talk about X-Height, ascending line, and descending line. This is great to know for when you practice letters, which leads me to the next practice method.

Practice No.2

This practice method is to write your letters out. Using the X-Height, Ascending line, and Descending line, you can practice your letters. Keep in mind that you can do multiple strokes to make each letter.

Practice No.3

I thought about this while typing up this blog, and it’s to color code your strokes or color code each letter. Because the letters/strokes are different colors, you can identify each individual stroke/letter and realize what you may need to work on.

I hope that this helped you out! I know that it was a short post, but I wanted to make sure that you had all the blog posts to reference! Have a great day. Don’t forget to submit everything for #CreateLove through the “contact” section on both WordPress and my Wix website.

XOXO, Tropicalchick


Hi Guys! I created this #CreateLove page because of everything that is going on in the world. Here I will feature my follower’s diys, quotes, sayings, crafts, and other things that go with the theme. Down below is the criteria your image has to have in order to be put on the #CreateLove page.

• Just send me things that mean love to you!

After each month, I will choose my favorite image, and send you a personal email. This is for fun, and as long as you keep creating, you’ll always have a chance to be featured as the monthly winner. Using the “contact” page, submit your image and I will put it on the #CreateLove page. Please keep in mind that we have to be respectful of other people, so make it appropriate! Bye! 🙂


Hand Lettering 101 – Supplies

Hi everyone! I’m so excited to introduce my new blogging series where I talk to you about Hand Lettering. I am by no means an expert but, wanted to share my knowledge with you! This series will be broken up into parts. Today, I’m writing about hand lettering supplies. The other parts are: Techniques, Tutorials, and Practicing.

Hand Lettering 101 – Supplies

Pigma Micron Fineliners

Pigma Microns are easily one of the most important things to have. They give you the clean, modern look everyone wants, and they make it easy to make faux calligraphy. Faux calligraphy is in my opinion the easier way to get the same look from real calligraphy. Down below, I have included an example of faux calligraphy for reference.

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Tombow Dual Brush Pens/Crayola Brush Markers

Both of these make it easier to write when doing calligraphy. I think that the Tombow Dual Brush Pens are probably more advanced and better quality, but the Crayola Brush Markers are still easy to work with. I personally have the Crayola ones, and I find that the Tombow Pens are probably more flexible than these. For the price, I think Crayola is great!

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Crayola Broad Tip Markers/Crayola Supertips

These are better for when you want to buy cheap art supplies that work like brush pens. I’ve heard many people talk about these, and I never thought to use them! These retail for about $0.99 for broad tip markers, and about $6.99 for the supertips. If you try this method, make sure to tell me about it!

Tombow Fudenosuke Pens (soft tip or hard tip)

These pens are great for hand lettering/calligraphy. They are smooth writing pens, and there are 2 types. They have soft tip or hard tip. AmandaRachLee is a great Youtube channel and in the calligraphy beginner’s guide, as well as in her bullet journaling videos. I love her channel so go check it out!

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Bye Guys!

XOXO, Tropicalchick

Hand Lettering 101: Tutorials

Hi everyone! I’m so excited to introduce my new blogging series where I talk to you about Hand Lettering. I am by no means an expert but, wanted to share my knowledge with you! This series will be broken up into parts. Today, I’m writing about hand lettering supplies. The other parts are: Techniques, Tutorials, and Practicing.

Hand Lettering 101: Tutorials


Amanda’s tutorials are informative and entertaining. She gives great info and reviews about so many products. She loves to bullet journal, and is a natural at calligraphy! I encourage you to check out her vids! Down below, I included some of the calligraphy beginner vids, as well as some of my favorite videos on her channel.

How to Hand Letter

How to Hand Letter offers videos about hand lettering and teaches you step by step. Her videos are extremely helpful if you’re a beginner, and even if your more advanced. I find that her videos address commonly asked questions and huge topics in hand lettering.  Down below, I included some of the calligraphy beginner vids, as well as some of my favorite videos on her channel.

Natalies Outlet

Now, Natalies Outlet isn’t much of calligraphy/hand lettering channel, but the one video about calligraphy was very helpful. Her channel consists videos about how to be more productive, how to study better, and other helpful and entertaining videos. Down below is her video about calligraphy.

Have a wonderful day!

XOXO, Tropicalchick

Be Who you are!

I have struggled with this lightly throughout my life. I was afraid to express the real me to the world for fear of being judged or made fun of. It took me a while to realize that being yourself is what you need to do! You don’t need to worry about what other people think because you never asked for their opinion. You never wanted to hear what they had to say about you, because in the end, life is meant to be enjoyed, not wasted.

I get dressed every morning and think about what society will think about me if I wear something in particular. I was afraid that if I showed off my “goofy, weird, and a little crazy side” because they wouldn’t accept me because of who I was. I often criticize myself more than the world does because I’m too afraid. I remember me thinking I ate too much, or I wasn’t as skinny as the other kids my age.

I want you to know that be yourself. I thought about this this Sunday and realized that being myself won me awards, got me the best friend of my dreams, made everyone like me. I go to school and anxiety kicks in, but when I show that I’m nerdy, I am smart, and that I love school, kids look up to me, they want me to be their partners so I can help them succeed! Don’t be afraid of the real you, because it’s the most beautiful version of you!

When I be myself, people compliment me. They tell me that I am amazing, mature for my age, I am smart, and that they are so lucky to have me in their life. What I’m trying to tell you guys is that society won’t always accept you, and that’s why you have to accept yourself. You have to own your personality because your unique. You’re beautiful and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise, not even yourself! This is the world we live in, this is life. It’s meant to be enjoyed not wasted!

XOXO, Tropicalchick

P.S I hope that now that you’ve read this post that you will accept people for who they are as well. I have heard many people say, “Let’s make America beautiful again!”, and if that is what we’re supposed to do then this is the first step. I hope you can help make the world a better place. The place we know it should be. I love you guys so much!